Deadlift 3:2×3
#1: 2×3 reps @ 70%
#2: 2×3 reps @ 75%
#3: 2×3 reps @ 80%
Level 2: (20/16), (14/10), (75/55)
Level 1: Box Burpees,
Level 2: Banded Push-ups (105/75)
Level 1: 200 Meter Run/Walk, Banded/Box/Bar Push-ups (75/55) OR 15 KBS @25/15,
Level 2: (95/65) Deadlift, (20/16) Box, (30/20) Carry
Level 2: (75/55) Deadlift OR KBS (25/15), (8″Box/45lb ), (25/15lb) Carry
AMRAP w/Remaining Time Of:
10 Handstand Push-ups
100′ Bear Crawl
20 SuperPeople
*Rest 2:00 between rounds, pick up where you left off after buy-in
Level 2: Up to 2 abmat HSPUs
Level 1: 80/65 Calorie Row (aiming for 4-5 minutes), Seated dumbbell strict press, 5 inch worms, bird dogs
2 Max Sets Strict Banded Pull-ups
*Score is total reps
Level 2: Chin-over-Bar Pull-ups, (135/95)
Level 1: Banded Pull-ups, low box step-ups, (75/55)
Then AMRAP w/Remaining Time of:
5 Power cleans (185/135)
10 Push-ups
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
*Rest 3:00 between rounds, rounds scored separately
Round 2
1k/800 Meter Row Buy-in
Then AMRAP w/Remaining Time of:
10 Front Squats (135/95)
10 Push-ups
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
Level 2: Cleans (135/95), FS (95/65), Banded Push-ups, (20/16)
Level 1: 15 KBS (25/15) for cleans, Goblet Squats for Front Squats, Banded Push-ups, (8″/45lbs)
Then AMRAP w/Remaining Time Of:
2 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Toes-to-Bar
5 Pull-ups
10 Back Squats (135/95)
10 Push-ups
20 Later Jumps Over Bar
Throughout Workout Accumulate:
10 Rope Climbs
20 Tire Flips (4/3)
*Other than run, 1 partner working at a time.
Level 2: 10 banded pull-ups (No MUs), Toes-Near-Bar, (95/65), Standing To Seated Rope Climbs, (3/4)
Level1: 10 Banded PUll-ups (No MUs), V-ups/Box Mountain Climbers, Standing To Seated Rope Climbs, 5 Deadlifts @(95/65) = 1 rope climb, Lateral Line Jumps