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Pull-up Strength or RMUs

4 Rounds:
Max Strict Pull-ups
Rest 30 Seconds
1 Negative Pull-up

Perform 2 Rounds of pull-up work then:
Ring Muscle-up Practice/Max Unbroken RMUs

*Score is total reps – add longest negative to notes

4×3 – It Burns So Good!

2 Rounds for Reps

3 Minute AMRAP of
10/8 Calorie Row
8 Strict Burpees (burpee with full push-up)
*Rest 1 Minute
3 Minute AMRAP of:
30 Double Unders
10 V-ups
*Rest 1 Minute

*Total of 12 minutes of work – pick up at the top each round
*Score is total reps

10 Minutes On A Wednesday

10 Minute AMRAP of:
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Kettlebell Swings (50/35)
20 Med Ball Russian Twists (20/14)

Front Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1

Front Squat for load:
#1: 5 reps @ 70%
#2: 5 reps @ 70%
#3: 3 reps @ 75%
#4: 3 reps @ 75%
#5: 1 rep @ 80%
#6: 1 rep @ 85%

Park WOD

3 Rounds, 5 Minutes on the Clock:
400 Meter Run Buy-In

AMRAP w/Remaining Time Of:
15 Air Squats
10 Up Downs
15 Jumping Jacks
10 Pike Push-ups
*Rest 2 Minutes between rounds, pick up where you left off

Surprise Park WOD

The Addenbrooke Park WOD is a surprise. Show up by 5:30pm to join the WOD or by ~6:00pm to watch the WOD finish and join us for the picnic.

At-home Running Diane

For Time
800 Meter Run Buy-in
Inside Substitute – 3 Rounds
40 Jumping Jacks
5 Burpees
*Rest 2 Minutes

Then Diane:
21-15-9 of:
Dumbbell/Kettlebell/Odd Object Deadlifts @(155/225)
Handstand Push-ups/Pike Push-ups
*Rest 2 Minutes

800 Meter Run Buy-out
Inside Substitute –
3 Rounds:
40 Jumping Jacks
5 Burpees

Running Diane

For Time
800 Meter Run Buy-in
*Rest 2 Minutes

Then Diane:
21-15-9 of:
Deadlifts @(155/225)
Handstand Push-ups
*Rest 2 Minutes

800 Meter Run Buy-out

At-Home Mid-Week Intervals!

10 Rounds With 2:00 on the Clock:
10 Box Jumps/Tuck Jumps (24/20)
10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell/Odd Object Thrusters
*Rest remainder of 2 minutes
*Keep thrusters even between arms

*Score is total reps – 200 possible

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