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10×2:00: Intervals For The Heart and Soul

10 Rounds, Every 2:00:
10 Pull-ups
12 Alt. Leg DB Overhead Lunges (50/35)
*Alternate arms each round

Level 2: Banded Strict Pull-ups, (30/20)
Level 1: Jumping Pull-ups, BW Lunges or Low Box Step-ups

Three By Four Tuesday

3 Rounds, 4:00 AMRAP of:
10 Shoulder Taps (kicked up to wall)
10 Power Cleans (95/65)
20 Front-Rack Lunges
*Rest 2:00 between rounds, score rounds separately and begin at the top.

Level 2: Box Pike Shoulder Taps, (75/55)
Level 1: PIke Shoulder Taps, KBS (25/15), low box step-ups

Deadlift 3×2

Deadlift for load:
#1: 2×2 reps @ 70%
#2: 2×2 reps @ 75%
#3: 2×2 reps @ 80%

A Cardio & Skill Fight Gone Bad Style

5 Rounds For Reps Of:
Minute 1: Max Calorie Row
Minute 2: 12 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 3: Max Calorie Bike
Minute 4: Max Kettlebell Snatch (50/35)
*Switch hands every 5 reps – From KBS position, not ground
Minutes 5&6: Rest

Level 2: Toes-near-Bar, 30/20
Level 1: V-ups or Box Mountain Climbers, KB Swings @25/15

A Jumping & Oly Monday

10 Rounds, Every 2:00:
5 Power Clean & Jerk (155/105)
30 Double Unders
*Rest remainder of 2:00 – Sprint & rest

Level 2: 105/75, 30s Double Under Practice
Level 1: 5 Dumbbell Clean & Press @25/15 (2 dumbbells), Single Unders
Seated: 5 Barbell OR Dumbbell Clean & Press, Max Burpees (Box Transfers) until 1:00-1:15 mark
Visually Impaired: 8 Calorie Bike, 10 KBS

2×6 Friday

Two Rounds, 6:00 AMRAP Of:
15 Kettlebell Swings (50/35)
15 Goblet Squats
Round 1: 5 Bar Muscle-ups, Round 2: 10 Pull-ups
*Rest 3:00 between rounds, rounds scored separately

Level 2: 30/20lb KB, R1: 10 Kipping C2B Pull-ups OR Banded Pull-ups R2: Banded Pull-ups
Level 1: 25/15lb KB, Both Rounds 10 Jumping Pull-ups

Jump, Run, Rock & Roll

15:00 AMRAP Of:
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
400′ Shuttle Run
15 Hollow Rocks
*Shuttle run = 20 reps – each 100′ lap = 10 reps – only completed 100′ laps count

Level 2: Box @20/16″
Level 1: Box/Plate @8″/45lbs, 200′ shuttle run/walk, box mountain climbers

Cardio & Pump Monday

5 Rounds For Reps
Minute 1: Max Calorie Row
Minute 2: 20 Push-ups
Minute 3: Max Calorie Bike
Minute 4: 5 Strict Pull-ups & 8 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 5: Rest

Level 2: Banded push-ups as-needed, banded pull-ups, toes-near-bar
Level 1: Banded/box push-ups, banded pull-ups, v-ups OR box mason twists
Seated: Max Calorie Ski, Dumbbell Strict Press, Max Calorie Bike, 4 Pull-ups & 4 Hinge Ups

30-Minute Friday

30-Minute AMRAP:
15/12 Calorie Row
100′ Bear Crawl
15 Kettlebell Swings (50/35)
100′ Walking Lunges  
5 Ring Dips
100′ Broad Jumps

Level 2: 40/30, banded ring dips
Level 1: 16 Step-ups For Lunges, KBS (25/15), Banded Push-ups, 20 Air Squats For Broad Jumps

Squats & Pull-ups

10 Rounds, Every 2:00
8 Front Squats (155/105)
10 Pull-ups

Level 2: (105/75), Banded Pull-ups
Level 1: 35/25lb goblet squats, 8 banded pull-ups

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