Turkish Get-Up 5×2
*Build to a heavy double
Seated: In & Out Of Chair Transfers
Seated: In & Out Of Chair Transfers
Rx: Barbell @95/65, Sled loaded with 180lbs
L2: Barbell @75/65, Sled loaded with 135lbs
L1: Dumbbell Thrusters @20/15 Each Hand & Air Squats, Sled loaded with 90lbs, non-jumpig OR box burpees
Seated: 100′ Sled Drag Buy-in Each Round, Then AMRAP Of: 10 DB Clean & Press (5R+5L), 3 Pull-ups
*Goal for bar movements is to pick your most challenging ability level for the final round, then work backward. Levels below are decent guides for this
Level 2: Ring Rows>Challenging Banded Pull-ups> Less bands for pull-ups, Box @20/16″
Level 1: Jumping pull-ups>Ring Rows>Challenging banded pull-ups, 800 Meter>400 Meter> 200 Meter Run/Walk
Level 2: Power+OHS okay (work on depth of catch), banded push-ups as-needed, box @20/16″
Level 1: Level 2: Power+OHS okay (work on depth of catch) OR swap for clean & jerk, banded push-ups as-needed, box @20/16″
Level 2: KBS & Mason Twists @30/20
Level 1: KBS & Mason Twists @20/15, Low Box Step-ups For Lunges, 100 meter run/walk – Run is worth 10 reps
Seated: Ski, Wall Balls, Bike, Out & In Chair, Rest
800 Meter Run
5 Strict Pull-ups
50 Air Squats
5 Strict Pull-ups
Level 2: Banded Pull-ups as-needed (get as many without bands as possible each round)
Level 1: 400 Meter Run/Walk, Banded Pull-ups, 30 Air/Box Squats
Level 2: Banded Pull-ups As-Needed
Level 1: 5 CHALLENGING Banded Pull-ups, Box Burpees – okay to perform 5 or 6 rounds – Athlete’s choice.
*Shoulder impairment? Swap for clean work.
Seated: Dumbbell Strict Press 5×10(5R+5L)