Just A Longer Thursday
400 Meter Run
15 KBS (50/35)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Level 2: (30/20), (20/16)
Level 1: 200 Meter Run/Walk, (25/15), Box Burpees (no jump)
Level 2: (30/20), (20/16)
Level 1: 200 Meter Run/Walk, (25/15), Box Burpees (no jump)
Level 2: Banded push-ups, (75/55)
Level 1: Box/Bar push-ups, Air Squats
Level 2: 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Level 1: 8 Jumping Pull-ups
Then 5 Rounds Of:
25 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
50 Double Unders
Level 2: (14/20), 60s of double under attempts
Level 1: (10/6), 60 single unders OR 15 plate speed taps
Level 2: Up do 2 abmat HSPU (75/55)
Level 1: Seated dumbbell press, goblet squats (25/15), Box Mason Twists
Level 2: (14/10), 30s double under attempts
Level 1: (10/6), Single unders OR 15 plate speed taps
Level 2: Banded pull-ups, accumulative 4 minutes of double under practice
Level 1: Jumping pull-ups, 500 single unders OR 200 plate speed steps, 400 meter partner run
Level 2: (95/65)
Level 1: (75/55)/10 KBS, 8 Box Burpees