Core Set
3 Sets of:
20 GHD Hip Extensions
20 Flutter Kicks (L+R=1)
20 GHD Hip Extensions
20 Flutter Kicks (L+R=1)
*Before completing WOD, accumulate 200′ sled push. Can be broken up and done at any point throughout WOD. Sled weight = 90lbs.
*Man maker weight is athlete’s choice. Put weight in notes
*Add weight vest or weight plate, if possible
*If failure before 20, drop to knees
*Starting on knees, finish with box
Alternate between pull-ups and push-ups
*Strict pull-ups with weight vest or dumbbell between feet, if possible
*Modify with 2 strengths of bands – Lighter, then heavier
*Score is max reps of strict+kipping or max reps between 2 sets of bands
*Rest at least 90 seconds-2 minutes between sets