5-10 Minutes Of Clean & Jerk Drills
– Clean Pulls
– Clean Pull Unders (pocket clean)
– 3 Position Clean
– Jerk Drive
– Build to a moderate double
– Etc
*Shoulder impairment? Swap for clean work.
Seated: Dumbbell Strict Press 5×10(5R+5L)
*Shoulder impairment? Swap for clean work.
Seated: Dumbbell Strict Press 5×10(5R+5L)
AMRAP w/Remaining Time Of:
10 Push-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings @50/35
30 Double Unders
*Rest 3:00 between rounds, score rounds separately and start from the top
Level 2: Banded Push-ups As-Needed, (30/20), 45s DU Practice
Level 1: 400 Meter Run/Walk & 800/600 Meter Row, Banded OR Elevated Push-ups, Eye-level KBS @25/15, Single Unders OR 15 Plate Speed Steps
Seated: 4:00 Bike/Ski Buy-in, AMRAP: Out of chair, 8 Push-ups, 5 Pull-ups, In Chair
Visually Impaired: Bike/Row 4:00, AMRAP: 8 elevated push-ups, single-arm KBS, single unders
Level 2: Banded push-ups as-needed, 185/125
Level 1: Box/Bar Elevated Push-ups, 95/65 OR 15 KBS @25/15, 200 meter run/walk
Level 2: ~55-65% and power snatch + deepest OHS as possible is okay
Level 1: 10KBS @25/15, Box Mason Twists
Shoulder Impairment: Squat cleans & front squats
Seated: 6 DB Snatch (3R+3L), 4 Pull-ups, Max Cal Ski
Visually Impaired: Alternate Rounds: 5 Rig squats OR 10KBS (5R+5L), Max Sit-ups, Max Cal. Bike (have a buddy in same round help read & write reps for bike & sit-ups)
*Shoulder impairment? Swap for clean work.
Visually Impaired: Deadlift 5×3
Seated: Dumbbell Strict Press 5×10(5R+5L)
Level 2: Banded Pull-ups As-Needed, 20/16″
Level 1: 8 Rounds: 100 Meter Run/Walk, 5 Banded Strict Pull-ups, 6 Burpees, 6 8″Box/45lb Plate Jumps
Visually Impaired: 7 Rounds: Bike 100 strokes, 8 Ring Rows, 6 Burpees
Level 2: Up to 2 ab mats, 75/55, 30s double under practice
Level 1: Seated DB Strict Press, KBS @25/15, Single Unders OR 15 plate speed steps
Then AMRAP w/Remaining Time Of:
15 Sit-ups
10 Box Jumps @20/24
5 Strict Pull-ups
Level 2: Banded push-ups as needed (get as many toe push-ups as possible each round before switching to band
Level 1: 200 Meter Run/Walk Banded, OR Bar/Box Elevated Push-ups, 20 Squats (box OR med ball as-needed)
Visually Impaired: 150 bike strokes, 10 Bar Elevated Push-ups, 20 Rig Squats