Wall Balls, Dubz, and Sit-ups For 12:00
10 Wall Balls @20/14
25 Double Unders
15 Sit-ups
Level 2: 14/10, ~45s DU practice
Level 1: 10/6, Singles OR 10/8 cal bike, box mason twists
Level 2: 14/10, ~45s DU practice
Level 1: 10/6, Singles OR 10/8 cal bike, box mason twists
Level 2: 3 Challenging Ring Rows, 3 Banded Ring Dips, 20/16″ Box
Level 1: 3 Banded Pull-ups, 3 Toe Assisted Dips, 45lb plate OR 8″ Box Jumps, Box Burpees
Shoulder Stability Alternative
Crossover Symmetry Activation Series – all 7 movements
Then 3-4 Rounds Of:
100 Meter KB Waiter Carry
10 Ring Rows
Level 2: 95/65, Banded Push-ups
Level 1: 6-7 Rounds Of: 75/55 OR 10 KBS @25/15, Panded OR Elevated Push-ups, 200 Meter Run/Walk
Seated: 6 Rounds: Out of Chair, 8 Push-ups, In Chair, 8 Cal. Ski
Log your push-ups each day in meters here.z
Log your running each day in meters here, and your push-ups below.
Level 2: Toes-Near-Bar
Level 1: 100 Meter Run/Walk, V-ups OR Box Mason Twists, Box/Ball/Ring Squats as-needed
L1:35/25, KB High Pulls Or Swings @25/15