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– RX –
For time:
Hand-release push-ups
Eye-level KB swings (50/70 lb)

– Level 2 –
For time:
Hand-release push-ups
Eye-level KB swings (50/70 lb)

– Level 1 –
For time:
Hanging knee raises
Push-ups from the knees
Eye-level KB swings (15/25 lb)

Visually Impaired: Sit-ups, 10 Yoga Block Push-ups Each Round, KBS (total)
Finger/Wrist Mods: 27-21-15
Dumbbell/Yoga Block push-ups OR Floor Press
Single Arm Eye-level KB swings

Kelly Brown

– RX –
5 rounds for time:
440-m row
10 box jumps (24/30 in)
10 deadlifts (185/275 lb)
10 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)
– 25:00 time cap.

– Level 2 –
5 rounds for time:
440-m row
10 box jumps (20/24 in)
10 deadlifts (95/135 lb)
10 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb)
– 25:00 time cap.

– Level 1 –
3 rounds for time:
440-m row
10 box step-ups (12/20 in)
10 deadlifts (55/75 lb)
10 wall-ball shots (6/10 lb)
– 25:00 time cap.

Finger/wrist mods:
1,100-meter Air Bike
10 Barbell Weighted Good Mornings (light)
10 Bwck Squats
*Both barbell movements from the rack


– RX –
On a 12:00 clock:
Hang Power Cleans (65/95 lb)
Ring dips

– Level 2 –
On a 12:00 clock:
hang power cleans (55/75 lb)
Jumping ring dips
– Use two dumbbells.

– Level 1 –
On a 12:00 clock:
DB hang power cleans (20/35 lb)
Foot-assisted ring dips
Single-unders OR Plate Speed Steps
** Use two dumbbells.

– Seated –
On a 12:00 clock:
Calorie Ski
Renegade Rows (each arm)
Dumbbell Strict Press (each arm)

6/8 Warm-up

Dynamic warm-up | 6:00

1 set:
10 plate ground-to-overheads
10 plate counterbalance squats
10 ring rows
100-meter run

1 set:
10 plate ground-to-overheads
10 plate counterbalance squats
10 ring rows
200-meter run


– RX –
For time:
50 pull-ups
400-m run
21 thrusters (65/95 lb)
800-m run
21 thrusters
400-m run
50 pull-ups
– 20:00 time cap.

– Level 2 –
For time:
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
400-m run
15 thrusters (45/65 lb)
400-m run
15 thrusters
400-m run
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
– 20:00 time cap.

– Level 1 –
For time:
25 jumping pull-ups or ring rows
200-m run
15 thrusters (35/45 lb)
400-m run
15 thrusters
200-m run
25 jumping pull-ups or ring rows
– 20:00 time cap.

– Visually Impaired –
For time:
30 Ring Rows
240 Bike Strokes
21 Sit-ups
480 Bike Strokes
21 Sit-ups
240 Bike Strokes
30 Ring Rows
– 20:00 time cap.


1 set:
:30 kneeling quad stretch/side
:30 standing calf stretch/side


– RX –
9 sets for load:
Power clean

– Level 2 & Level 1 –
Same as Rx’d

– Hand/Finger Mod –
Perform Back Squats w/Same Rep Scheme, Intent, & Timing


– RX –
Conditioning challenge:
20:00 to establish max meters on a machine of your choice.

Level 2:
Same as Rx’d

Level 1:
Same as Rx’d

*Wrist & finger mods: you get a bike

— Work Your Weakness —

Below is this week’s Work Your Weakness. You can perform these workouts at any point during the week!


For load:
Snatch, clean, or jerk:
3 reps x 4 sets at 70-80%
2 reps x 3 sets at 80-90%
1 rep x 2 sets at 90%+
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