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Operation Red Wings

– RX –
For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

16 rounds of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jumps (20/24 in)

47 goblet squats (53/70 lb)

– Run together.
– Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
– One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.

– Level 2 –
For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

16 rounds of:
8 knees-to-chests
6 burpee box jumps (20/24 in)

47 goblet squats (35/53 lb)

– Run together.
– Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
– One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.

– Level 1 –
For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

10 rounds of:
8 hanging knee raises
6 burpee box jumps (12 in)

47 goblet squats (18/26 lb)

– Run together.
– Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
– One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.


– RX –
7 rounds for time:
20/25-calorie bike or row
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

– Level 2 –
Same as Rx’d

– Level 1 –
7 rounds for time:
10/15-calorie bike
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.


– RX –
5 sets for load:
3 cleans
2 front squats
1 jerk

– Level 2 –
Same as Rx’d

– Level 1 –
Same as Rx’d

– Seated –
5 Sets (all out of chair today):
10 DB Clean & Press (5R+5L)
*Aim for these to be heavy
Max Set Push-ups
*Back resting against rig or anchored box
*Rest 3:00 after each set – today’s focus is strength training

– Visually Impaired –
5 Sets Of:
10 Deadlits
10 DB Strict Press (5R+5L)


– RX –
4 rounds for time:
800-m run
75 double-unders

– Level 2 –
4 rounds for time:
800-m run
25 double-unders

– Level 1 –
3 rounds for time:
600-m run
25 single-unders


– RX –
On a running clock:
At 0:00:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Double-KB/DB overhead walking lunges (35/50 lb)

At 12:00:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Calorie row
Lateral burpees over the rowing machine

– Level 2 –
On a running clock:
At 0:00:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Double-KB overhead walking lunges (26/35 lb)

At 12:00:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Calorie row
Lateral burpees over the rowing machine

– Level 1 –
On a running clock:
At 0:00:
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Hanging knee raises
Single-DB overhead walking lunges (10/15 lb)

At 12:00:
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Calorie row


– RX –
For time:
15 box jumps (30 in)
400-m run
20 box jumps (24 in)
400-m run
25 box jumps (20 in)
400-m run

– Level 2 –
For time:
15 box jumps (24 in)
400-m run
20 box jumps (24 in)
400-m run
25 box jumps (20 in)
400-m run

– Level 1 –
For time:
10 box step-ups (20 in)
200-m run
12 box step-ups (20 in)
200-m run
15 box step-ups (20 in)
200-m run

– Seated –
For time:
10 db box step-ups (12 in)
12 Calorie Ski
12 db box step-ups (12 in)
12 Calorie Ski
15 db box step-ups (12 in)
12 Calorie Ski

– Visually Impaired –
10 box squats
120 Strokes on Bike
15 box squats
120 Strokes on Bike
20 box squats
120 Strokes on Bike


– RX –
For time with a partner:
160 double-unders
160 AbMat sit-ups
160 double-unders
160 DB push presses (35/50 lb)
160 double-unders
400-m DB farmers carry
– Split the work as desired.
– Use two dumbbells.

– Level 2 –
For time with a partner:
100 double-unders OR 2 minutes of practice total
100 AbMat sit-ups
100 double-unders
100 DB push presses (20/35 lb)
100 double-unders OR 2 minutes of practice total
400-m DB farmers carry
– Split the work as desired.
– Use two dumbbells.

– Level 1 –
For time with a partner:
100 single-unders
80 AbMat sit-ups
100 single-unders
80 DB push presses (10/15 lb)
100 single-unders
200-m DB farmers carry
– Split the work as desired.
– Use two dumbbells.

– Seated –
Out Of Chair:
40 Battle Rope Swings (L+R=2)
40 Single-Arm DB Side-to-Side Transfers
40 Battle Rope Swings (L+R=2)
80 Lighter DB Strict Press (back supported on rig/box) (40R+40L)
40 Battle Rope Swings (L+R=2)
Back In Chair
100-meter Sled Drag

– Visually Impaired –
Split With A Partner
160 single-unders
160 AbMat sit-ups *Scale back reps with partner or have partner take more*
160 single-unders
160 Light Single DB push press (40R+40L)
160 single-unders
200-400-m Partner suitcase carry


– RX –
EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (105/155 lb)
Min 2 | 9/12 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 5 strict pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 air squats

– Level 2 –
EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (75/115 lb)
Min 2 | 7/10 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 3 strict pull-ups + 6 push-ups + 9 air squats

– Level 1 –
EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (35/45 lb)
Min 2 | 5/7 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 3 ring rows + 6 push-ups from the knees + 9 air squats


– RX –
For time:
Bar muscle-ups
Shoulder presses (95/135 lb)

For time:
Jumping bar muscle-ups
Shoulder presses (65/95 lb)

For time:
Low-bar muscle-up transitions
Push presses (35/45 lb)

– Visually Impaired –
Ring Rows
Parallette Push-ups


– RX –
7 rounds for time:
200-m run
10 DB box step-overs (50/35 lb) (20/24 in)
– Use one dumbbell.

– Level 2 –
7 rounds for time:
200-m run
10 DB box step-overs (20/30 lb) (20/24 in)
– Use one dumbbell.

– Level 1 –
5 rounds for time:
200-m run/walk
10 alternating walking lunges OR Box step-ups @8/12″

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