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Cleaning, Jumping, Sitting, & Lunging With My Buddy

Two Rounds, 12:00 AMRAP Of:
25 Double Unders
15 Partner Med Ball Sit-ups (20/14)
10 Alt. Leg Step-Back Lunges
10 Power Clean @135/95
*Clean should be no higher than 60-65% – A weight you COULD do 10 tap & go when fresh.
*Rest 3:00 between rounds, start at the top & score separately

Level 2: 30s DU attempts, med ball @14/10, BB@95/65
Level 1: Single Unders OR 15 plate speed steps, regular sit-ups OR bo mountain climbers, low box step-ups, KBS@25/15

*1 Partner working at a time other than med ball sit-ups. Split reps however you’d like.
*Teams of 3, have two people mirror each other and do the same # of reps. Only count these two as-if they were 1. For med ball sit-ups, switch who has a buddy every round.

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