A Long Monday Chipper
2k Row
50 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (50/35)
100 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
150 Air Squats
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
1 Mile Run
50 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks (50/35)
100 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
150 Air Squats
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
1 Mile Run
Level 2: (30/30), Banded Push-ups
Level 1: 1600 meter row, Flutter Kicks (L+R=2), Box/Bar Push-ups, 75 Air Squats, KBS for C&J and snatch (25/15)