8 Minute Wednesday
8 Minute AMRAP of:
40 Double Unders
50′ 1-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (30/20)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Double Unders
50′ 1-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (30/20)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
*Modify with bands or seated pull-ups
*Score is max reps of strict pull-ups. Add negative time to notes
*Rest at least 90 seconds-2 minutes between sets
*Score is total reps for all movements throughout all 3 rounds
Rx+ (95/65)
*If beginning a run under 2 minutes, do 10 burpees instead. 200 Meter Run/10 Burpees = 10 reps in last round
Take some time to work on pull-ups & gymnastics drills
*Rest remainder of the 3:00 minutes
*Clean/FS/Jerk @ 75% of Jerk 1RM