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Saturday WODs

Run 1 mile for the June Run Challenge

Endurance WOD (7:45a)
30 Minute Partner AMRAP:
While one partner does a 100 meter “toss” or “carry”, the other partner does sit-ups for max reps. Partners switch stations and continue through the list of movements for the 30 minutes. Begin at the top of the list if time remains.

Complete the Movements in this order:
Chest Toss with slam ball
Suitcase KB Carry, R arm/L arm
“Granny” Toss with slam ball
Overhead Carry R arm/L arm
Lateral Toss with slam ball
KB Carry in front of chest
Keg Toss with slam ball
*Choose challenging weights!

Community WOD (10:00a)
Work with a Partner to complete the following:
800 meter Run, together
100m Chest Toss with slam ball, alternating tosses
20 Sit-ups each, synchronized
100m “Granny” Toss with slam ball, alternating tosses
20 Sit-ups each, synchronized
200m Farmer Carry with 2 DBs: walk together taking turns carrying DBs
20 Sit-ups each, synchronized
800 meter Run, together

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