4 x 3!
8 Minute EMOM:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
*The focus of the EMOM is technique. Increase weight as desired & as able.
Complete the Following:
3 Minute Time Cap:
500/450 meter Row
AMRAP Hang Snatch (95/65)
*Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute Time Cap:
500/450 meter Row
AMRAP Box Jumps (24/20)
*Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute Time Cap:
500/450 meter Row
AMRAP Push Press (95/65)
*Rest 3 minutes
3 Minute Time Cap:
500/450 meter Row
AMRAP Sit-ups
Happy Planksgiving!
Plank Tabata: front plank, R side plank, L side plank, reverse plank (repeat)